変身写真 東京 着物

Tokyo KOKOHIME style Book ~Stranger~

How are you all
I’m Yokokawa, the makeup staff ⸜ ( ॑ ꒳ ॑ )⸝

Today is June 9th, it’s Rock Day~♘♞♘♞♘
Speaking of lock, this person ☞

Mr.Tobo! ! !
It’s rock~
He’s absolutely angry…

I have already returned to Kyoto, but I have not been able to upload it yet
We are operating remotely to upload a stylish Kokohime blog… :*:・(*´艸`*)

This is Tokyo KOKOHIME Style Book after a long absence♥♥♥

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This time we will introduce the cocohime female styling of the new booth “Gypsy caravan-Gipsy caravan-” m(__)m

The main outfit is the denim kimono that arrived for the gypsy booth♪♪♪
~Stranger~ selected for this title is a traveler✦✦✦

For this denim cloth kimono
Scarf ⤴
Sauvage hair ⤴ ⤴
And retro sunglasses ⤴⤴⤴
Travel freely with one hand on the guitar
Completion of Sasuraijin-Stranger-(*’▽’)

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It seems that you are riding Route 66 on a vintage Cadillac ✪✪✪
You can see the image of running through the wilderness ☞ ☞ ☞

It’s difficult to go abroad now, but I hope you can feel American at the gypsy booth (‘艸`( * )⌒●

Now, I would like to introduce the styling points of this time! !
First of all, fashionable shoes are from your feet♪♪♪

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c, which I mentioned in my last fashion portrait! !
Even if you match it with a kimono, it looks like it looks like (‘艸`)♥

This white sneakers is for the store, so anyone can use it.
By all means, use sneakers to enjoy your own coordination ♬♬♬

And Tokyo ESPERANTO limited denim kimono ☆☆☆
Have you ever seen a denim kimono at a rental shop or another shop where you can experience transformation?
It is the second kimono for gypsy ➶ ➶ ➶
Of course you can use it at the grunge booth! !

It is recommended for gypsy booths as much as the leopard print kimono I introduced the other day (◍ ´꒳` ◍)b

Actually, there was an inside story that sneakers and this denim kimono arrived on the day of the image shoot (laugh)

I wonder if the make-up at the gypsy booth has a strong make-up.
As a cocohime, I have finished it with dark makeup ✽✽✽

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The skin has a dark skin, and orange teak and dark eye shadows give the impression of age (*’▽’).

It is a splendid view of Gatsby’s world (‘∀`艸)♡

Did you notice?
The model has helped me in portrait photography as well.
Ms. Sayaka (*´﹃`*)

fashion portrait

Such a feminine Sayaka looks so cool in Kokohime! ! !
She has performed wonderfully on imadoki girls and strong women with herself ♠ ♡ ♢ ♣ ♤ ♥ ♦ ♧

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Sayaka’s face is too small…

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This vintage sunglasses covers almost all of your cute face v(o´∀`o)
Accessories such as sunglasses and horizontal glasses are available at the shop, so please match the style atmosphere.
Please choose your favorite accessory ♪♪♪

The gypsy booth is made with attention to detail.

In addition, the heat of the gypsy booth has stopped…
Please stay with us for a while (*_ _) www

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The main part of the gypsy booth is the sofa and the chandelier, but there is a large peace-marked object on the shelf behind the booth! !
This object is made of dried flowers and has an electric decoration to give it the atmosphere of an overseas festival.

I designed the flower art of the three large vases while keeping an eye on the balance of each artificial flower! ! !
Poisonous color accents the gypsy booth➶➶➶

In addition, Taku’s dream catcher is hung everywhere ♛♛♛

How many do you have?
I don’t even know (*^▽^*)pu
If you are shooting at the gypsy booth, please see the booth decorations (⋈◍>◡<◍). ✧♡

By the way, hippie style Cocohime ★★★
Continue running on Route 66
Is it Texas…?
You can enjoy music and drink while playing a guitar with a tent in the wilderness.
It was the introduction of Tokyo Kokohime Style Book this time ♥♥♥

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Finally the gypsy booth is completed~: *・゜(●´∀`●) How:*・゜

While I was pleased, the world is losing freedom with the new coronavirus
Even the shop was closed.
I also wanted to see everyone enjoying the gypsy booth (ノД`)・゜・.

But after the hardships, we are waiting for some fun ✧✧✧
Gypsy booth just opened ♪♪♪
For those who are coming to Tokyo store from now on, at ESPERANTO Minami Aoyama where all 4 booths are complete
Please have a special time (∀`ヽ●) (No●´∀)

Please wait for a while for the special plan for the gypsy caravan booth.
Although Tokyo is still in a situation where it is not possible to be alert,
I hope that the days before will return as soon as possible

I also hope from Kyoto♥
The Kyoto store also operates with safety precautions.